Volunteers Building Community,
One Project at a Time.
2024 Registration is OPEN! July 1 – September 1!
Click here to volunteer!
We LOVE our Volunteers – the heart of GO PC!

Would you consider helping?
Here are some of the roles and opportunities for people of all ages and skill sets.
- Enjoy working together with others for the common good
- Administrative and organizational skills
- Overseeing a project as a project leader
- Donation of goods and services, in-kind and monetary support
- Knowledge and skill in safe use of hand tools and power tools.
- Carpentry, electrical, plumbing skills
- All ages are welcome. Children under 12 years of age must be supervised by a parent or guardian
- The registration form below is where you can tell us the type of service you wish to offer for the service day.
- Once you have completed your form, and based on the projects scheduled for the day, we will do our best to pair you to a project that you have indicated an interest in. Otherwise, we will assign you to a project based on where we have a particular need that we feel you can provide!
- Please indicate on your registration if you have an allergy or need special accommodation.
- Assignment of volunteers to projects takes place 2-4 weeks in advance of the day of the event.
- Project leaders will be responsible for providing any tools and materials necessary to accomplish their project. Once you are assigned, you will be contacted by the project/volunteer liaison for further details and instructions.
GO Pulaski County is a wonderful opportunity to invest in our community while meeting new people, developing new skills, and being a part of something bigger than yourself. It may only be a one-day event, but the results last much longer.
Bring your kids! Bring the family! Bring your friends! We hope to see you on September 28th!
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